​​Why should a student attend Second Chance?

Students who are found to be under the influence of alcohol, marijuana and/or certain other substances may be diverted to Second Chance in lieu of school suspension by Arlington Public Schools or prosecution by Arlington County Juvenile Courts. Parents who are concerned about or see signs of early substance use can refer their teen and students can refer themselves. (A self- or parent referral will not necessarily preclude a teen from being able to attend Second Chance again should the need arise.)

Program Completion

  • Student must attend 3-day program and booster session.

  • Parent/guardian must attend parent program.

  • Parent/guardian and student must attend the booster session.

  • Referral sources (school, court, parent) will be notified upon successful/unsuccessful completion of program for appropriate action.


Absence from School

  • Participation in the program is an excused absence.

  • Students and parents/guardians are responsible for notifying schools and making up school work.


*Second Chance is administered by Impel.life